The application of the Standard CTi Hallmark system is simple and straightforward. There are five basic steps that need to be completed for a quality, long-lasting job. They are
Like all projects worth doing, the quality of the preparation sets the pace for the quality of the job. In the case of the CTi Hallmark system we prepare the surface with a solution wash followed by pressure washing and, when necessary, we remove any old coatings. We then repair any existing cracks with our Smart Prep system.
Apply the Skim Coat (base coat). In this step we trowel a thin layer of our acrylic modified cement onto the slab. This produces three results: First, an even texture to accept the spray coat. Second, the color of the skim coat becomes the color of the “grout” lines or design pattern in the finished surface. Third, small imperfections (light spalling etc,) are filled in and made smooth.
Creating the Design. We then form the pattern that will create the grout lines of our finished design. Using either special filament tape or, for more intricate designs, a computer-cut stencil, we lay out the pattern we want to appear in our finished job.
Next, using CTi Hopper Guns, we spray the main color and texture over the entire work area. This is followed by several highlight colors, which add depth and realism to the finished job. We then remove the filament tape, revealing the finished pattern.
Apply CTi Sealer. Last, we roll on 2 – 3 coats of CTi high-tech sealer to finish the job. An important point to note is that the CTi sealer re-emulsifies the previous layers and draws our product down into the concrete. This creates a unique molecular bond with the underlying slab and is twice as strong as the concrete beneath it!
This is the Hallmark system. Straightforward. Simple. And… profitable!